Equal Partner of the Educational Program!
Shaikh Shabnam is 14 old girl who studies in 9th grade. She lives in Ram Raheem Tekra, Danilimda in Ahmedabad. Shabnam’s family is very poor and conservative. Shabnam is one of the regular students of Sanchetana’s educational program at the community school. Along with regular environment and science classes, she also took three months of robotics training. She shared that, “When I joined for robotics training, I was not confident enough to seek technology since I was not familiar with the same. But the fun and friendly atmosphere of the class helped me to learn easily. It increased my confidence too”.
During the training, she understood the applicability of circuit, holder, bulb, and stable robotic models. Once she completed the training she said that she wants to learn more about digital printing and computers in the future. Shabnam is not just a student but a leader in the educational program. She teaches her community children voluntarily in her house regularly and organizes different creative workshops for them. All that she learns, she teaches others. She always leads the educational classes with full potential helping younger children. She indeed is in the true sense an equal partner of the educational program!
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Sanchetana Team