Nurturing Confidence and Communication Skills
I joined in Sanchetana’s Health club and in Non-Violent Communication (NVC) programs. I used my training home. My elder brother didn’t want my younger sister to pursue education after 8th class. I understood his position and my sister’s choice. I could build a bridge between both of them and convinced him of importance of education. This became possible because of the NVC insights. I also am able to find peace of mind after understanding my feelings and vocabulary to express them. Understanding the importance of making choices with right understanding has given me the space to explore many new choices.In health club classes I learned about anaemia- its causes, diet that should be followed, nutrition-rich foodstuffs, and details of the menstrual cycle. Initially, I feared stepping out of home alone but now I am fearlessly able toattend meetings conductedevery month. I can confidently talk to others, make new alliances and enhance my knowledge through discussions. I became self-confident, independent and I wish to engage my younger sister with Sanchetana so that she too could experience the positive life changes.